Introduction - Working Group Objectives

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Working Group Objectives

In order to optimise the efficacy of the 59 researchers that comprise HOPE, these expert scientists split into four Working Groups, each focussing on a specific critical factor related to cycling safety. Through regular meetings and communication, the Working Groups ensured not only their own progress, but also the progress of the Action in its entirety.

  • Working Group 1: In-depth Accident Observations and Injury Statistics
    This Working Group focused on the development of a Europe-wide injury and helmet usage database, and the development of acceptance criteria for helmet usage.
  • Working Group 2: Traffic Psychology
    This group studied the confounding psychological factors associated with a cyclists’ choice of whether or not to wear a helmet, and the conspicuity criteria of helmets.
  • Working Group 3: Impact Engineering
    This group reconstructed actual accidents in various countries, and consolidated biomechanical research results, in order to develop new standards for helmets and to improve helmet protection capabilities.
  • Working Group 4: Ergonomics of Thermal Aspects of Helmet Usage
    Given that thermal discomfort is one of the primary reasons why cyclists do not wear helmets, this group explored thermal aspects in order to develop guidelines for the optimisation of helmet design for thermal comfort.

During the four-year Action, and certainly as results were collected, each of the four Working Groups made significant efforts to disseminate their findings to experts in the field. Through publications, presentations, meetings and additional research opportunities, HOPE is using the Action outputs to increase scientific knowledge and advance further research in the key areas identified during the Action.


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