Introduction - HOPE Objectives

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HOPE Objectives

As part of the COST Action, HOPE’s primary objectives were to:

•    Stimulate international collaboration in the field of bicycle traffic safety and helmets;
•    Increase scientific knowledge with regards to traffic safety of cyclists;
•    Disseminate this knowledge to key stakeholders, including manufacturers, legislators, the scientific community, and of course, the cyclists themselves.

In addition, HOPE aimed to achieve a number of secondary objectives, including:

•    Producing state-of-the-art reviews, disseminating knowledge and identifying new areas for research regarding the wide variety of social, psychological, physical and cultural aspects of the decision to wear a helmet;
•    Establishing a pan-European database of parameters regarding helmet usage and injury statistics;
•    Developing knowledge about cyclist behaviour to enhance cyclists’ conspicuity on the road;
•    Investigating the protective properties of bicycle helmets in real accident situations in order to improve helmet testing standards;
•    Stimulating new research collaborations, preferably on a European level;
•    Disseminating information to the public, to the industry and to legislators, in an effort to maximise user comfort and adoption, influence safety and manufacturing standards, and ultimately benefit society.


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