Working Group 4: Ergonomics of Thermal Aspects of Helmet Usage - Standardisation of Test Methods

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Standardisation of Test Methods

Studies show that the current methods used by manufacturers to assess cooling capacity and thermal comfort include some parameters that are not relevant, and subjective feedback from wearers, which is not enough to effectively assess the effectiveness of different cooling methods.

Working Group 4 has therefore provided the initial ideas to begin developing a standard for assessing cooling effectiveness. These standards will allow for accurate and consistent testing of products, and will help make thermal comfort a direct priority for manufacturers. It will also allow manufacturers to clearly, objectively and accurately inform customers about the cooling effectiveness of various helmet types. This will help influence buying decisions.

In turn, standardisation of testing and modelling methodologies would allow legislators to regulate the production of helmets within the comfort-level boundaries necessary to encourage helmet usage among citizens. And, it will allow for comfort levels to be incorporated into legislation, along with safety standards.


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