Working Group 4: Ergonomics of Thermal Aspects of Helmet Usage - Implications for Legislators

Article Index

Implications for Legislators

Legislators can play a key role in both the establishment of industry standards and the increase in helmet-wearing compliance. A multitude of studies indicate that thermal comfort is a primary factor in whether or not bicyclists wear helmets. Therefore, the conclusions drawn by Working Group 4 that indicate ways to increase thermal comfort are key to overall compliance.

Furthermore, legislation that provides minimal design requirements regarding heat transfer in helmets, in addition to protective properties, will improve manufacturing and encourage usage. However, care must be taken to avoid over-regulating the designs, as this inhibits innovation.

Working Group 4’s output provides methods for the evaluation and assessment of thermal properties – both ventilation and radiant shielding. With these new parameters, thermal property information can be made available to customers. This can assist in customers’ evaluation of wearer comfort, and influence their buying decisions. Thermal properties will therefore become a direct priority for manufacturers, and they will maximise thermal comfort in future helmet designs.


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